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Starting From There


Feeling blah lately?

Myself? I've had trouble mustering the energy for action.

Instead of marketing new work, I've been spending time digging into relationships with folks and places I want to bring my coaching to (and, if I'm being honest, unsubscribing to an embarrassing amount of Covid-era email lists).

That was pretty much all I could create after the election: More Space.

But as I am a glass-half-full gal, I also focused on what I was grateful for.

I have a lot of gratitude to give.

Gratitude will get us far, and we should practice gratitude EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

It’s that powerful a tool to cultivate resilience.

But . . . (Yes, there is a "BUT").

We will have to take action soon enough; and get unstuck from feeling stuck.

There are many ways to do this.

One that works well for me, I call, "Starting From There."

Instead of starting here, where we are today, I try "Starting from there."

It's how I fire up my life force and courage to get unstuck - by committing to a future action that is currently out of reach. 

I don't need a time machine to do this.

"Starting from THERE" is a strategy that commits you to a future goal and energizes possibilities today.  

Let me give you some examples.Starting from THERE's:

  • Applying for a future residency or grant for a project you haven't begun to create.

  • Speaking to friends about publishing options for the book you haven't written.

  • Scheduling a meeting with a mentor to discuss a proposal you haven't drafted.

  •  Committing to shoot a short film when you don't have a team assembled or a budget to make it yet.

For my risk-averse creators, this is a nerve-rattling strategy. 

But it is a highly effective path to un-stuckness.

And, it's an energetic way to envision possibilities that anchor you concretely in the future you want to create.

Ditch the to-do list for a while and anchor yourself in the future first.

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